Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Call me crazy but I wanted to find out what my Carbon footprint was. You know, so I can change some of my bad habits and all. Well, I took this test and turns out my carbon footprint is...wait for it, this is exciting stuff...22. Yup my estimated emissions is 22. But I'm proud to say that I'm below the national average (27) for the US.

Once I found out how horribly I'm effecting the planet. I decided to check out what I could do to offset that number. Make some changes and become a better person. I clicked on the link that said "Off set your carbon footprint". Apparently if I pay $440 per month to the Nature Conservatory I will have done my part to offset that horrible number. Who knew it was THAT easy to go green. Just donate money and bam all clear! Oh but if you can't donate money, well don't worry. Just be sure to change all your electronics and appliances over to ENERGYSTAR appliances. And if you can't do that well just unplug everything in your house. Travel less. Both air travel and driving. Try walking or biking. (Oops I think someone forgot to get that memo out to our Whitehouse staff!) I wonder what our Pres. footprint is?? But not to worry! He just needs to donate the money to offset that number and all better. Climate magically healed. Poof.

In case you were wondering how the $440 amount came to be. Well my footprint is 22 x $20 (the cost per short ton) = $440 (my recommended offset). As a family we just need to pay $1880 and all better. So glad I checked. This information had put my mind at ease.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Bailout Money

Anyone else out there think this was wrong in the first place? Now they are going to regulate and void out contracts. Can we say UNCONSTITUTIONAL! It is unconstitutional on so many levels. First off our Government NEVER should have bailed out these companies, but they did. Second, in the stimulus package (that none of them read because it was rushed through so fast) it states that ALL contracts made before February 2009 are valid. Which means they should be upheld. And so AIG did just that and upheld contracts made between them and their employees. Now there is an uproar about the $165 million.

Excuse me but am I missing something. Now the Government has the power to null and void contracts or tax up to 90% bonuses that they see as unfit? WHAT!!??!! This raises the questions, are any contracts safe now from the Government? Are they now able to dissolve contracts because they don't agree with how the money was used or they don't agree with the contract itself?

Forget about the $$Billions$$ that went overseas to other banks from AIG and $$Billions$$ that went to banks here in America. Yeah, you got that right. Billions. But they are just focusing on the $165 million bonus given to employees in honer of a contract. Forget the billions lets just get pissed over the millions. Sounds to me like they are trying to focus our attention from the big picture. Yet they have shown us one thing that should scare you: They have control over this company now and any other that accepted the bailouts. They have control and if they don't like how it is spent well they will just tax the hell out of you. Why should this scare you?? Because my friends that is Socialism. Plain and simple...Socialism.

As Glenn Beck puts it, "They are giving you cigarettes."

Monday, March 16, 2009

Texas Shopping

In support of the 2nd Amendment.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Definition of Marriage

On May 15, 2008, the Supreme Court of California overturned the state's ban on same-sex marriage. Then in November the people (**Please make a note: THE PEOPLE) voted to define marriage between a man and a woman (Proposition 8). Yet they are still debating this Issue?

Protesters lined up in front of the Supreme Court of California in hopes that the judge will overturn the choice made by the people.

The courts have NO right to overturn something that the people as a majority voted on. If they are able to then what is the point of voting. Isn't it to have our voice heard? I don't feel that it's within their judicial power to overturn a vote of the people. Kate Kendell (Executive Director, National Coalition of Lesbian Rights) said: "...if the Court upholds Prop 8, what they are essentially saying is the Court has no role in deciding equal protection issues because the majority vote trumps the Court’s role as protecting Constitutional rights."

Well yeah! the majority vote trumps the court's. That is WHY we vote. That is why California put it to a vote. To hear the voice of the people. No, I say if the courts uphold Prop 8 then what they are saying is that the people's voice is important and it counts!

Remember what Kate Kendell said above:..."the majority vote trumps the Court's role as protecting Constitutional rights." Okay now bear with me, for this is the key - "evil can be twisted into virtue if you phrase it just right. Any vice is acceptable if you cloak it as an issue of freedom. Any immorality is worth fighting for if you tell them they are fighting for choice, if you wrap it in the mantle of privacy and freedom" ~Chris Stewart.

And that my readers is exactly what Kate Kendell and others like her are doing.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Glenn Beck presents the Obama National Anthem

I don't think I need to say anything more. I have nothing against him, just his policies.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Glenn Beck's heart-stopping housing chart

I ask you, does this not make sense? I mean honestly he is SO right on. I say the Government needs to just take a step back and let the market do its thing. History has shown that every time the Government gets involved things go bad. Every time our President says he is giving more money here or there the DOW drops even more.

My opinion, we are in this mess because of the Government's involvement. The economy is bad but I firmly believe that the media has made it worse by constantly stating over and over again how horrible things are. We hear this and think we better pull back. So any spending that may have happened has now stopped. I don't know, maybe it's all part of the big plan. Part of the road towards Socialism. Free market doesn't work in a Socialistic Government. Even our own President is using scare tactics.

We need to wake up! Americans need to open their eyes and see what is going on. The Democrats are using this economic crises as a way to gain more control of our lives. If we don't stand up and say enough is enough we may wake up one day and find that it is too late. Don't think it can't happen. Did anyone think Sept. 11 could ever happen? It can and it will if we don't start making our voices heard. There are more of us. There are more who stand for the values we hold dear in our Constitution. The very values that are being threatened. The other group, they are just loud. It is time to make our voice heard. To say "No more!" We need to do it. We need to do it for our children. We need to do it for our country.

No more!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Jim Moffett got a jaywalking ticket after saving two elderly ladies lives. What? Here is the story paraphrased from Rocky Mountain News:

"Two elderly women exited the bus and tried to walk across Federal to their trailer home on the east side. There was light snow on the ground making the road slick. So the bus driver, Jim Moffett, gets off the but to help these two elderly ladies across the street. They are halfway across when a pick up truck lost control and slammed into Mr. Moffett; but not before he pushed the two women out of the way to safety."

Well, fellow bloggers, what do you think his reward was for this good deed? A traffic violation! That's right. The Colorado police department gave him a ticket for jaywalking. Ryan Sullivan, of the State Patrol, said that while Moffett's "intentions were good," jaywalking caused the accident. Really? Not the impatient driver in the pickup truck that decided to pass illegally in the left hand turn lane.

Well, this is my blog and I'm entitled to my opinion so here it is. The ladies got off at a bus stop, no one can argue that. So why isn't there a cross walk at that intersection; I mean since the bus stops there and people get off? Well, perhaps they can build one with the money from the stimulus package....

Oh and for the record, I don't think he should be fined. Please!!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Our Constitution A Flaw?

Our President said back in 2008, talking about our Constituion, "The document reflects a fundametal flaw that continues to this day". Really? And what flaw would that be Mr. President? The fact that it protects our liberties and freedoms; the very thing you are trying to take from us.

Some may argue quote: "He was talking about how the US Constitution didn't give blacks the same securities and rights that whites enjoyed, and further more the consequences of this can be seen today." Well, if that is what you were refering to then I must humbly disagree Mr. President. In the Declaration of Independence it states:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..."

Slavery was never part of the big picture with our founding fathers. It was men who instituted that horrible practice against the Constitution. You see President Obama the flaw isn't in this great document, the flaw is in the men chosen to uphold it. Men like you who the people elected to uphold our rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.