Call me crazy but I wanted to find out what my Carbon footprint was. You know, so I can change some of my bad habits and all. Well, I took this test and turns out my carbon footprint is...wait for it, this is exciting stuff...22. Yup my estimated emissions is 22. But I'm proud to say that I'm below the national average (27) for the US.
Once I found out how horribly I'm effecting the planet. I decided to check out what I could do to offset that number. Make some changes and become a better person. I clicked on the link that said "Off set your carbon footprint". Apparently if I pay $440 per month to the Nature Conservatory I will have done my part to offset that horrible number. Who knew it was THAT easy to go green. Just donate money and bam all clear! Oh but if you can't donate money, well don't worry. Just be sure to change all your electronics and appliances over to ENERGYSTAR appliances. And if you can't do that well just unplug everything in your house. Travel less. Both air travel and driving. Try walking or biking. (Oops I think someone forgot to get that memo out to our Whitehouse staff!) I wonder what our Pres. footprint is?? But not to worry! He just needs to donate the money to offset that number and all better. Climate magically healed. Poof.
In case you were wondering how the $440 amount came to be. Well my footprint is 22 x $20 (the cost per short ton) = $440 (my recommended offset). As a family we just need to pay $1880 and all better. So glad I checked. This information had put my mind at ease.