Monday, March 2, 2009

Glenn Beck's heart-stopping housing chart

I ask you, does this not make sense? I mean honestly he is SO right on. I say the Government needs to just take a step back and let the market do its thing. History has shown that every time the Government gets involved things go bad. Every time our President says he is giving more money here or there the DOW drops even more.

My opinion, we are in this mess because of the Government's involvement. The economy is bad but I firmly believe that the media has made it worse by constantly stating over and over again how horrible things are. We hear this and think we better pull back. So any spending that may have happened has now stopped. I don't know, maybe it's all part of the big plan. Part of the road towards Socialism. Free market doesn't work in a Socialistic Government. Even our own President is using scare tactics.

We need to wake up! Americans need to open their eyes and see what is going on. The Democrats are using this economic crises as a way to gain more control of our lives. If we don't stand up and say enough is enough we may wake up one day and find that it is too late. Don't think it can't happen. Did anyone think Sept. 11 could ever happen? It can and it will if we don't start making our voices heard. There are more of us. There are more who stand for the values we hold dear in our Constitution. The very values that are being threatened. The other group, they are just loud. It is time to make our voice heard. To say "No more!" We need to do it. We need to do it for our children. We need to do it for our country.

No more!


Richard Meyer said...

I've asked my senator 4 times to include an "earmark" in the next bill to provide my family with a simple, low cost, 3.2 million dollar fund to help me raise my four wonderful children and beautiful wife in a manner we deserve.

I won't mind the "pork" spending if they would just put me on the list. But no...We won’t find our names on the list. Instead, our new president has seen fit to make sure our tax dollars go to the many international nations that need our tax dollars to perform abortions. Now, don't go get all fired's only $40 million dollars:

"Overturning another Bush administration policy through executive order, President Barack Obama has annulled a ban on sending US funds to groups that perform or promote abortion overseas.
An executive order signed by Obama Friday reverses the so-called 'Mexico City policy,' initiated by President Ronald Reagan in 1984, cancelled by President Bill Clinton and reinstated by President George W. Bush in 2001.
The order comes the day after the 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion in the United States."

Give me a damn break! We wonder why we are all broke.

Chelsi said...

It seriously jsut makes me sick. I know what you mean about the scare tactic situation, I listen to everything and think we have got to save more money. Logically i realize that just perpetuates the problem. So what is the answer? I feel like the government is going to screw us over, and I want to be prepared for that, but I hate that the only way I know to be prepared financially is to take it lying down, to stay scared and concerned and keep a hold of my buying power that the economy so desperately needs to be able to prove that free markets are the way to go.

Shaka said...

right now is prob. a good time to spend your $ if you have it -if you are one of the few still paying your own mortgage(which happily i am). prices are down.
anyway, perhaps it is a scare tactic leading us into socialism.
i am terrified of obama. i was afraid when he got elected but thought-how bad could it be? well he showed us real quick how bad it could be.